Even if you know what your car needs, an air conditioning function test is fast and modestly priced and may uncover developing problems before they cause a major problem. When you bring your vehicle to our shop for AC repairs, it is most likely because, with AC selected, it blows hot air at you. A function check may show your system only needs a recharge or some other simple and inexpensive repair. 

For example, a compressor going bad may only require replacing that part. If you wait until the compressor bearings disintegrate, the small pieces from the disintegration could cause every component in the system to need replacement.

Another symptom of an AC system needing repair is an unusual noise from under the hood when the AC is engaged. When you push the AC button on your HVAC system or turn the function control to the AC system, you will hear a mechanical click when the compressor clutch engages. This is normal. What is not normal is the sound of marbles revolving in a coffee can. This noise is indicative of bearing failure.

The usual suspect in a system blowing hot air is a need for a recharge. Often the cause of an AC system needing a recharge is a leak.

During the air conditioning function test, our technician will identify the type of refrigerant your system was designed to use. It could be that the wrong kind of refrigerant is the cause of your problems. Each refrigerant has a specific oil intended to circulate with the refrigerant to keep the moving parts in your system lubricated. If an incompatible oil is used in your system, it will shorten the life of your AC components.

Most vehicles have a cabin air filter. If your AC system blows gently with the blower switch on high, your cabin air filter may be clogged.

During a leak check, we will investigate the four most likely components to leak:


Refrigerant changes to a gaseous state in the evaporator, causing a cooling effect. The evaporator is under the dashboard; replacing it is time-consuming, so we must rule that out first.


The compressor drives the system. Air conditioning compressors usually go bad because of failing or seized bearings. Often debris from a previous compressor failure causes new parts to stop working soon after installation. When we switch a compressor, we position a filter in the return line to catch contamination circulating through the system.


The condenser is the easiest part to replace. The condenser is placed ahead of the engine coolant radiator. In this component, refrigerant changes from gas to liquid.

Hoses & Connections

Our state-of-the-art tester finds leaks quickly in perished hoses and connections.

We will swiftly diagnose your AC problem and remedy it economically. Although our prices can beat that of the dealer service department, we use first-rate parts and don’t concede quality. Call or visit our website for an appointment to get you on the road in comfort.